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Senior Pastor

Hi, my name is Jon Brinlee and I am the Pastor here at Amelia.  I was born and raised in Texas, and I grew up in the Dallas/ Ft Worth metroplex.  I have lived all over, including Europe.  We have served at every level of ministry from youth, to music, to missions and cleaner of the restroom. 

I was saved as a teen as a result of the ministry of youth camp, and was called to ministry at the age 21.  I have been in full time ministry since 1999.

My wife and I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Bible from Louisiana Baptist University in Shreveport, LA.  We have two adult children, and one still in school.

We are thankful for the Lord saw fit to bring us to Amelia, and we are excited for the future of this church and the ministry it will bring to the community.

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